Tuesday, September 8, 2009

BLOG 20 - Satisfy herself

It was hard to see the details but I knew she was feeling good by the sticky sound of her fingers stirring on the rim down to the bottom of her honey pot. I was feeling an explosion of emotions during that thirty minutes starting with complete sexual arousal ending with feeling lied to and deceived. “She told me she was so tired,” I thought to myself watching her body tremble while she enjoyed a silent orgasm with me lying next to her with my dick hard as a brick. I finally decided to join in on the action moving my arm to caress her body when she snatched her hand from between her legs and rolled over quick. She obviously was unaware that I had been watching her as I played it off and rolled over on to my stomach. After moving to cover her body with the blanket she lay motionless and silent with the distinct musky smell of her sex floating in the air. I also lay still and silent angry at her deception as she thought only of how she could satisfy her self. This would be the night that I decide to explore my own sexuality and begin to satisfy myself and masturbating was not how I was going to do it. After a few moments passed I calmed down my irrational thinking, I figured that I must have startled her and maybe she was embarrassed. That thought eased my mind but I wanted to be sure and make a decision based on how she answered a question

When the alarm clock went off, we both rolled out of bed like normal and took our usual morning shower together. As we washed each other I asked her “how did you sleep last night” which was not out of the ordinary for me to ask.

“I slept like a brick, I didn’t hear anything last night” she replied unaware of the experience that I had during the night. I gave her another chance when I said, “I slept ok but I woke up around ten minutes after four and fell back asleep somewhere around five in the morning.” I waited silently as our morning shower suddenly took a different turn that only she could correct…

1 comment:

  1. Hey :) I like this. You're a good writer and very easy to read, which is the most important thing. I really enjoyed the earlier post, and for this little bit, I particularly like the emotion you got in there with the point of view character feeling resentful. For critique, I would have liked a bit more description at the beginning on what the point of view character wants physically. Obviously he's been at it with her before, so he'd probably be imagining what it's like to be inside her, etc and so on... It would go well with the resentment if you describe exactly what he's wanting so that we want it too, and so that we are as disappointed as he is when she won't.
