Monday, August 3, 2009

BLOG 2- Juicy scandalous part

I wanted to get a woman's perspective on my thoughts so I called my friend Angie. She was one of those women that I wanted to get with but we ended up being really good friends instead. I could tell her anything and she could do the same with me and that’s what made our friendship so strong. I called her up and told her about what I was thinking about and she laughed her ass off at my dream and my brutal honesty. She also had something to share with me, and needed my input on the matter so I listened as she started confiding in me. She said, “I have been catching up with old friends from high school through when I received an unexpected surprise. I was hesitant to reply feeling unsure of what to say so I kept it simple with the basic response.” I interrupted quickly smiling when I said “oh shit, what did you say because you’re known for speaking your true thoughts regardless of who it hurts” I said expecting her to say something outrageous. “Believe it or not I played it cool” she said which let me know that this was someone she likes. “Just let me finish telling you the story,” she said changing her tone and talking very sexy. “Hey Brian long time no hear from what’s been going on, is how I replied trying to be cool and not assume anything out of the ordinary. A few weeks went past without a response from him and I became slightly disappointed and wrote off his inquiry as just a kind gesture. Unfortunately, he and I had nothing in common in high school except Tiffany and even less after graduation. That didn’t matter to me though I still thought he was fine as hell and would have jumped on a chance to be in a relationship with him” she said smiling when she spoke. “Why didn’t you two ever get together?” I asked probing her for the juicy scandalous part. “He was then and still is now my best friend Tiffany’s boyfriend now husband.” I didn’t say anything I just started laughing as she continued to tell her scandalous story about her best friend’s husband. “Lately I find myself thinking about him constantly to the point where I started dreaming about him” she admitted with a sense of confusion. She started laughing in embarrassment when I got personal and said, “don’t be shy now go ahead and tell the whole story.” She calmed herself down from the uncontrollable giggling and began to paint the picture of her late night lust for her best friend’s husband…

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